The False Cause
The False Cause: Fraud, Fabrication, and White Supremacy in Confederate Memory, examines the role of lies and exaggeration in the creation of Lost Cause narratives of the war, as well as their connections to white supremacy. Looking at pension fraud, Confederate monument dedications, and Confederate myths reveals that much of our understanding of the Civil War remains influenced by falsehoods.
Freedoms Gained And Lost: Reconstruction and Its Meanings 150 Years Later, coedited by Adam Domby and Simon Lewis brings together 13 essays about Reconstruction.
"Freedoms Gained and Lost is a splendid and timely collection of thought-provoking essays on a wide range of issues surrounding Reconstruction in America. These well-written and thoroughly researched essays exemplify the latest advances in the scholarship of Reconstruction and together make a profound contribution to the field."---Aaron Astor, author of Rebels on the Border: Civil War, Emancipation, and the Reconstruction of Kentucky and Missouri, 1860-1872.

Simon Gerstmann’s War
w. Shari Rabin, "Simon Gerstmann’s War: Religion, Loyalty, and Memory in the Post-Civil War Claims Courts" in The Journal of Southern History
September 2021

The Contested Legacy of Race and Atrocity at Andersonville National Historic Site in Civil War History
September 2017
Winner of John T. Hubbell Prize
“Prisoners of the Public” in Useful Captives
w. Christopher W. Barr, “Prisoners of the Public: The National Park Service Interprets the POW Experience" in Useful Captives: The Role of POWs in American Military Conflicts

“Loyal Deserters & The Veterans Who Weren’t” in The War Went On
"Essays in this edited collection approach Civil War veterans from oblique angles, including theater, political, and disability history, as well as borderlands and memory studies. Contributors examine the lives of Union and Confederate veterans, African American veterans, former prisoners of war, amputees, and ex-guerrilla fighters. They also consider postwar political elections, veterans’ business dealings, and even literary contests between onetime enemies and among former comrades." -LSU Press,
Dr. Domby's chapter examines Confederate pension fraud.

"American Warlord" in The Guerrilla Hunters
"Throughout the Civil War, irregular warfare―including the use of hit-and-run assaults, ambushes, and raiding tactics―thrived in localized guerrilla fights within the Border States and the Confederate South. The Guerrilla Hunters offers a comprehensive overview of the tactics, motives, and actors in these conflicts, from the Confederate-authorized Partisan Rangers, a military force directed to spy on, harass, and steal from Union forces, to men like John Gatewood, who deserted the Confederate army in favor of targeting Tennessee civilians believed to be in sympathy with the Union." -LSU Press
Dr. Domby's chapter examines John Gatewood's reign of terror in North Georgia.
Selected Recent Writings
Latest Work Published Online

"Beyond Romantic Advertisements: Ancestry.com, Genealogy, and White Supremacy," Black Perspectives
May 10, 2019

“Defenders Of Confederate Monuments Keep Trying To Erase History,” in Huffington Post
September 15, 2017